California is experiencing extreme weather from very dry periods to intense storms as a result of climate change. We can all do our part in adapting to these climate impacts by making conservation an everyday part of our lives. Fixing leaks quickly, taking shorter showers, installing flow monitor devices – this is how we save water.
Metropolitan and your local water agency are here to help you save by offering residential and commercial rebates to California Friendly® gardening guides. Being waterwise doesn’t have to be a big and scary task. Instead, it is a way to protect our environment and prepare for longer more severe droughts in the future. Being a water saver can be as simple as using a broom instead of a hose to clean driveways or sidewalks or playing your favorite five-minute song to time your shower. Whether you’re a homeowner or a renter, small changes like these add up to big savings and help protect and ensure critical water supplies for future generations.
The recent rain and record snowpack have helped address shortage conditions throughout the state, replenishing reservoir and groundwater storage and increasing available supplies. As a reflection of these improvements, Metropolitan’s Board of Directors removed the Emergency Water Conservation Program and mandatory outdoor watering restrictions for member agencies within the State Water Project-dependent areas.
As we know, California is experiencing extreme weather due to climate change – from persistent dry conditions to intense, volatile rainstorms and atmospheric rivers. Snowpack in Northern Sierra is helping relieve the impacts of the historic three-year drought; however, the Colorado River remains in jeopardy. Although some regional restrictions have been lifted, Southern Californians are asked to continue using water efficiently and to always prepare for certain dry years ahead.
Metropolitan is helping residential and commercial users make those water savings adjustments during the wet years as much as the dry years. The board made an important step recently by calling for cities and local water agencies to implement ordinances banning the installation of non-functional grass for commercial customers. Non-functional grass is classified as ornamental grass that serves no recreational purpose. Metropolitan is aligned with the state’s efforts to encourage sustainable landscaping and offers turf replacement rebates to help convert thirsty grass into water-efficient landscapes.
Did you know that up to 60% of your annual water use is outside your home? That’s why it’s important to know how much water we can save by being more efficient indoors and outdoors. Hover over the images below to see all the different ways you can save.