Landscape Transformation Program
Programa de Transformación de Jardines

This Metropolitan program rewards landscape designs that incorporate water-saving plants, technology, irrigation systems and hardware. Rebates start at $1 per square foot and may be more depending on additional local water agency incentives. Read the July 9, 2018 Press Release.

Este programa de Metropolitan premia a los diseños de jardines que incorporan plantas, tecnología, sistemas de riego y equipos eficientes en el consumo de agua. Los descuentos comienzan desde $1 por pie cuadrado y podrían ser mayores dependiendo de los incentivos adicionales que ofrezcan las agencias locales de suministro de agua. Lea el comunicado de prensa del 9 de julio de 2018.

New Rebates Blooming for Landscape Transformation

Watch a short video promotion about the new Landscape Transformation Program.

Nuevos descuentos para la transformación de jardines

Vea un breve video sobre el nuevo Programa de Transformación de Jardines

Metropolitan partnered with Univision KMEX-TV Channel 34 Los Angeles and Univision KBNT-TV San Diego to feature three Spanish-language television segments that encourage Southern Californians to save water every day, 365.

LA Segment:

The Despierta Los Angeles segment aired Monday, Sept. 17 and featured hosts Gabriela Teissier and Nitzia Chama discussing sustainable landscaping approaches such as planting California native plants and using efficient irrigation

San Diego Segment:

Felipe DeMaría hosts the two Despierta San Diego segments during which he offers water-saving tips and reviews Landscape Transformation Program requirements. These segments aired Wednesday Sept. 19 and Thursday, Sept. 20.

Apply Here (Solicítelo aquí )

Video Guide

The Landscape Transformation Program requires at least one of the following components.  Check out these quick videos for inspiration.

After the Lawn is Gone: Waterwise Gardens (26m 47s)

Once your lawn is gone, you have a blank slate for design.  Learn about planning for your new waterwise garden with talk about smart features, a visit to a nursery and the inspiration of a just-planted garden that saves water and blooms beautifully.

Bye Bye Grass: How to Remove Your Lawn (26m 45s)

Lawns are the thirstiest and most resource-intensive plants in our gardens and don't really belong in our climate. See different ways to remove a lawn and create a more water-efficient landscape.

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California Friendly® registered trademark of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California.

Many of the flower and garden images are courtesy of the Theodore Payne Foundation.