California Friendly® Garden of the Month

南加州大都會水務局很高興向您介紹 California Friendly® 每月精選花園!我們每月都將呈現一座兼具視覺之美與用水效率的南加州出色花園。每座花園都有不同主題,並重點介紹打造其迷人設計所具體採用的植物。我們的目標是以實例證明美觀與省水能相輔相成,同時提供您一些庭院設計靈感!


Including a dry riverbed in your garden transformation has multiple benefits; not only is it a beautiful design element, but it will also help with any erosion issues and helps keep water in your garden. Dry riverbeds often include a large basin area that further serves to collect rain water. Consider adding a dry riverbed to your garden project. Take a look and check the Shopping List.

California Friendly® 花園指南 列有超過 1,500 種植物。進一步了解影片中提到的植物。


查閱我們的每月 花園檔案庫.





若有與 SoCal WaterSmart 相關的問題,請聯絡:


南加州大都會水務局的 California Friendly® 註冊商標。

許多花卉和花園圖像皆由西奧多·佩恩基金會 (Theodore Payne Foundation) 免費提供。